The ability of citizens of all countries to travel in safety is a fundamental human right. (Source: Resolution from the Experts on Tourist Safety and Security, Madrid, Spain, 11-12 April 1994)

Yet, safety and security should not be restricted to protecting the tourist against criminality, as we noticed, reading through all kinds of brochures, websites, etc, and repeating the long journey from Flanders to the South African beach where Bavo drowned. Physical or environmental risks, to which risks of the sea belong, should also be considered, by providing authentic information. (Source: Tourist Safety and Security, published by WTO, 1996)

Safe Coastal Tourism is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raise awareness among all touristic stakeholders worldwide for the dangers of the sea, by education, by training, by promoting a legal duty of information on the risks of the sea.

Therefore we need financial support for:
  • promoting in Flanders the teaching of the risks of the sea and the training of water skills and lifesaving skills of youngsters (by organising more 'Waterskills for Life'-workshops in schools and scouting, by the production of all kind of media-material to sensitize the public who visits our coast, ...),
  • encouraging tour operators and travel organisations in Flanders to adapt a Code of Conduct in which their members subscribe a duty of information on physical and environmental risks, to which risks of the sea belong,
  • encouraging lawmakers worldwide to implement articles 1 and 6 of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism,

The account of NPO Safe Coastal Tourism is: IBAN BE10 0016 6988 4504.